Mission • Vision • Values
Mission: Helping People Find & Follow Christ
This is why we exist. Basically, the Great Commission found in the book of Matthew. (Matthew 28:16-20 to be exact.)
Vision: To experience a movement of Jesus in The 10 in our lifetime.
This is what we believe will happen if we stay pointed in the direction of our Mission.
Values: Gather • Grow • Go
This is how we believe we’ll see our God-given vision become a reality and thus fulfilling our Mission.

Our Vision For You
We envision the day where Mission Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people helping people find and follow Christ in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you.
Missional Communities are how we believe we’ll see that happen! Normal people just like you, being the church - just not at the church. Tap the dots below to see what Missional Communities are already launched!

An Aircraft Carrier Kind Of Church
We get a version of this question a lot: “What kind of church are you?” As J.D. Greear explains it, in many ways churches can be viewed as three types of ships, none of which are better than the other, but each is very different.
Cruise Ship
These churches have Christian luxuries for the whole family—sports, entertainment, childcare services, and business networking. People are primarily asking only, “Can this church improve my religious quality of life? Does it have good family ministry facilities? Does the pastor preach funny, time-conscious messages that meet my felt needs? Do I like the music?”
We believe God has called Mission toward more.
The church is made for mission, and its success should be seen in how loudly and dramatically it fights the mission. The role of church members is to pay the pastors to find the targets and fire the guns each week as they gather to watch. They see the programs, services, and ministries of the church as the primary instruments of mission.
We believe God has called Mission toward more.
Aircraft Carrier
Like battleships, aircraft carriers engage in battle, but not in the same way. Aircraft carriers equip planes to carry the battle elsewhere. You load up the planes to carry the battle to the enemy. Members need to learn to share the gospel, without the help of the pastor, in the community, and start ministries and Bible studies—even churches—in places without them. Churches must become discipleship factories, “sending” agencies that equip their members to take the battle to the enemy.
This is how we believe God has called Mission Church to operate...the Kingdom of God has come, so we GO to help people find and follow Christ, for God’s glory! But to do this, we’re going to need a new metric for success beyond size. We need to start celebrating not just how many people are coming in, but how many people are going out.

For The 10
What if a church existed not just to be in the neighborhood but actually for the neighborhood? What if we narrow our focus to deepen our impact? What if we simply love where we live?
Simply stated, The 10 is the geographic area we feel called to serve first. Our focus on The 10 is in no way intended to diminish needs in other areas. We believe we have been called to serve The 10, and that by narrowing our focus on this area we can deepen our collective impact upon it.