Wait No More
Mission Church is currently in a two year generosity campaign called Wait No More. The top line of our 5 Year Vision is “Thousands of people are Gathering Differently as our facility has expanded to become a more effective aircraft carrier.” We believe God is calling us to break camp and advance in the same way He has called us in the past.

What We Believe About Giving
The ABC’s
We think giving at Mission should be as easy as knowing your ABC's.
Ask: What are you currently giving? Does it reflect your priorities?
Believe: Will you trust what God is putting on your heart?
Commit: Will you Start your giving plan and participate in what God is doing?
Why Mission?
Here are the reasons we believe to be most true of giving at Mission:
We are investors, not tax payers.
Giving at Mission makes you a co-investor in our vision of a movement of Jesus. We don’t collect dues. We collect investments.
We believe that God already provided generously to us; therefore, we honor God by giving back a fraction of what He has provided to us so that His kingdom may advance.
James 1:17 states: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
We believe that giving is what God wants for us.
Time and time again in the Bible, God reminds His people that He is aware that our hearts are tied to our wallets. Fortunately for us, however, God’s plan is to grow us closer to Him and in faith as we increasingly trust and surrender our possessions to Him.
Luke 6:38 has this to say: “give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Proverbs 11:24-25 further states: “One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.
How Do I Give?
We have attempted to make giving at Mission available through a variety of different mediums. Here are the available options:
Online Giving
The vast majority of contributions occur online. To set up a recurring or one-time contribution please follow this link:
Start and manage my giving >
Text Message
By texting any dollar the number 84321 you can give in a matter of seconds! Just be sure to select or search for Mission Church during the setup process.
Checks payable to Mission Church can be mailed to our offices at 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Please be sure to include full name(s) and address details on all checks.
At Church
We give back to God at any of our weekend services. You are welcome to bring your offerings then. Please be sure to include full name and address details on all checks. If donating cash, please place it inside an envelope and include your full name and address.
If you wish to give stock gifts to Mission Church by electronic transfer, please give your broker our account name, account number, and DTC number for our Charles Schwab account. The church maintains an account with Charles Schwab & Company in the name of Mission Church of Roselle. Our Schwab account number is 8103-6920 and the DTC number is 0164. The Tax ID for Mission Church of Roselle is 27-4097662. The mailing address for Mission Church is 82 Stratford Drive, Bloomingdale, IL 60108. If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Tommy Bowman at tommy@wearemission.com.
In order for us to best steward any stock donations, please notify us of the number of shares and the name of the stock(s) that you are transferring in advance of the transfer, or if necessary, as soon as possible thereafter. You can notify us by contacting Tommy Bowman at tommy@wearemission.com. All stock donations are made to Mission Church’s general fund, are unrestricted, and remain under the full discretion and control of Mission Church of Roselle to be directed where needed most. Your gift will be acknowledged through a non-cash contribution letter promptly upon receipt of the donation.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Mission Church office at (630) 237-4740. Thank you for your gift to God's kingdom through the ministry of Mission Church!
What Do I Give?
The question of “Ok, so what am I supposed to give?” is probably the most common question we receive when it comes to giving. It is also a completely fair and understandable question. Therefore, we have set out to provide a simple, yet profound direction in this regard.
Give first. Save second. Live on the rest. This means pay God first. Make giving the #1 priority in your budget every month. This can be simplified greatly by setting up a giving schedule online.
Pick a percentage of your income that you will prioritize to God each month and give it consistently.
As you continue to build trust in God that your needs will be provided for, continue to challenge the percentage of your income you are prioritizing for God. We believe that this is a catalyst for growth in faith and suggest that you do this at least annually.
This means that we should be prepared to give above and beyond our normal prioritized giving when prompted by the Holy Spirit.
Are donations to Mission deductible for tax purposes?
Yes. Mission Church of Roselle is classified as a public charity by the Internal Revenue Service and is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Mission are therefore deductible under section 170 of the Code.
Do I tithe on gross pay or net pay?
The fact that you are asking that question is awesome! There is no definitive answer, so we encourage you to talk to God about how He wants you to calculate your tithe. The heart behind the tithe is to ensure that we are trusting God more than we are trusting our money. We believe He will lead you as you increasingly trust Him in this area.
What happens to the money we give?
God provides for the ministry of Mission Church through your tithes and offerings. We honor your gifts with stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Mission Church remains above reproach.
Can I give to a specific ministry?
Every amount given to Mission Church is used to support the overall calling of Mission Church; therefore, gifts cannot be restricted for use by a specific ministry.
Can I give stocks?
Yes. We are fully prepared to accept stock donations and have all of the information you and your broker will need.
What is the deadline for annual contributions?
Cash contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31st to be included on your giving statement for that year. Online transactions must be initiated by December 31st.
Can I donate securities through a brokerage account?
Yes. Please email giving@wearemission.com for delivery instructions.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions about giving?
We desire to answer any other questions you may have. Feel free to contact us at giving@wearemission.com.